Malleolar Plate / Contour Plate
Speciality Products

Optional use of fixed angle locking or conventional screws
- Reconstruction plate for malleolar fractures type B and C (AO classification).
- Designed to contour the bone. No additional adjustment to the bone is needed.
- Optimal bone contact to avoid weakening of the bone.
- Screw holes permit an angulation of up to 15° of the bone screws.
- Screw heads bearly exceed the plate.
- The minimal implant thickness adds no height and avoids irritation.
- Surface treatment to avoid bony ongrowth.
- The low module of elasticity of Titanium alloy offers ideal stress transfer.
- Strong and elastic alloy.
- Great fatigue resistance of Titanium alloy reduces the risk of plate breakage.
- Titanium alloy is CT and MRI compatible.
- Titanium alloy is biocompatible – inert – non allergenic.
- Manufactured from ISO standardized alloys.
- Immediate partial weight bearing even without cast.
- Full weight bearing after 3 days, thus quick rehabilitation.
- Easy to remove, if required.
3.5 mm cortical screws 8 mm - 36 mm in 2 mm steps

* Weightbearing treatment of dislocated ankle fractures with a contouring plate according to Prof. Brug.
R. Meffert et. al. in Biokompatible Operationstechniken in der Unfall- und Handchirurgie, Hans Marseille Verlag, 2003
2.7 mm fixed angle locking cortical screws 8 mm - 28 mm in 2 mm steps
Proximal 3.5 mm cortical screws, not fixed angle

* A contoured locking plate for distal fibular fractures in osteoporotic bone: A biomechanical cadaver study.
R. Zahn, S. Frey, R. Jakubietz, M. Jakubietz, S. Doht, P. Schneider, J. Waschke, R. Meffert, Injury, Int. J. Care
Injured 43 (2012) 718–725.
Biomedical studies on model and human osteoporotic bone have shown superior primary stability of the outer ankle with the Locking contour plate. Thus clinically the angular stable plate-screw construction is preferred for highly unstable fractures, burst fractures and fractures in osteoporotic bones.
3.5 mm cortical screws 8 mm - 36 mm in 2 mm steps